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You may think things are impossible until you pray. You may think you may not get a job, until you pray. Prayer can turn your failures into testimonies.
The saints are not powerless if they understand the spiritual realities that prayer can capture.
Prayer can move things!!
Believe me!
You can grow your way through prayer.
You can transit to a newer version of you through prayer..Prayer can transform you from the weak timid you to the bold strong you.. CONSISTENT PRAYERS!!
Rejoice not over my yesterday..prayer can change me and my situation!
Apostle I don’t know what to do, nobody wants to help me..
You are right, but until you pray!
Apostle I feel bound and it looks like my life cannot move forward.. you are right but until you pray!
The early church prayed until angels came to intervene on Earth. They prayed and chains fell.
Prayerlessness creates anxiety (anxiety is the natural reaction of man to uncertainties). Prayer becomes the stabilizer to man’s life.
Apostle Paul says ;” be anxious for nothing but in everything, with PRAYER and supplication, make your request known to God.”
Prayer is not the only key but in every mystery you use, you will need prayer.
Don’t assume God knows what you need..Make that housing issue known.. Make the issue of your health known..Make the issue of Corona virus known.. Make the issue of your family known..Make the issue of your finances known.
Say to yourself:
I refuse to be anxious..
I refuse to be perturbed by life.
I may look weak but there is a God who’s jealousy has been invested upon my life.
Prayer is a proof that you admit you need God to intervene cause you can’t do it on your own. When you invite him, he comes.



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