Awe-inspiring Steel Sculptures by Regardt Van Der Meulen,

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Regardt Van Der Meulen, a Johannesburg-based artist, makes striking figurative steel sculptures in fragments that appear to be floating in the air while drawing inspiration from time, memory, and mortality.

Time, memory, and mortality are the sources of my inspiration. Both the deterioration of human life and the degradation of our environment intrigue me. The unavoidable elements of decay and mortality are present at all stages of conception, development, fruition, and death. People frequently have the false sense of security that our environment or civilisation is stable and reliable. The illusion of safety is frequently interrupted by the dangers and violence of the world we currently live in. The sculptures serve as metaphors for both one’s emotional and mental state as well as one’s physical body’s vulnerability. I chose steel as my medium because it typically conveys a sense of immovable power. For more Info Website ,,


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