Ancient Living Trees – How a Woman Photographer Spend 14years of her life taking Photos of the World Oldest Trees

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For the past 14 years, San Francisco-based photographer Beth Moon has been looking for the oldest trees in the world. She has traveled all over the world to photograph the most magnificent trees, which are found in isolated areas and appear to be millions of years old.

In her artist statement, Moon states, “Standing as the earth’s largest and oldest living monuments, I believe these symbolic trees will take on a greater significance, particularly at a time when our attention is focused on finding better ways to live with the environment.

In the book “Ancient Trees: Portraits Of Time,” sixty of Beth Moon’s duotone images were featured. You can view a sneak preview




















Source: boredpanda

3 thoughts on “Ancient Living Trees – How a Woman Photographer Spend 14years of her life taking Photos of the World Oldest Trees

  1. God has left us with wonderful awestruck beauty to behold, these are gifts for us. Thanks for taking the time to photograph these awesome trees.

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